rare in-person opportunity

Join us for a contemplative workshop that combines two simple but profound ways to boost mental, emotional, and physical health: sitting meditation and mindful movement.

Sitting meditation (shamatha, “evenly abiding”) is a simple but challenging practice of being present with whatever arises. We begin with mindful breathing, and gradually build the capacity to experience sensations, feelings, and thoughts in stable and clear attention. 

The workshop’s movement practices (qigong, “energy practice”) will include the Eight Pieces of Brocade, the Eighteen Movements of Shibashi, and Standing Like a Tree. 

Science is just beginning to measure how meditation and mindful movement can radically improve physical and mental health. You can learn more about this at the Natural Awareness website

This workshop is suitable for people of all ages and physical condition, and all levels of experience.  The workshop will be held at the Heart of Wisdom Temple, 6401 NE 10th Ave, Portland, OR 97211.

This class is offered in-person only and will not be streamed or recorded

This workshop is a great adjunct to our regular ongoing Sitting and Moving in Awareness practice sessions. 

The workshop/retreat starts on Saturday, June 24th at 10 AM and goes to 4 PM.

This workshop is with George Draffan. Learn more about George here.