Interview with ‘bodhi blossoms’

Kathy Wu, founder of a rime (non-sectarian) Buddhist organization that supports nuns—particularly those in the west—interviewed me recently for her organization, Bodhi Blossoms. She asked that I share our talk and her talks with other nuns. I think you’ll enjoy reading these women’s stories. 

Kathy’s an amazing person with an important vision. We had lots of fun talking, and I have really enjoyed meeting other Bodhi Blossom nuns through their stories. Each woman’s story is so unique. 

THE WEBSITE SAYS, “Our group consists of a Tibetan monk, a business woman, a tech manager, and amazing nuns! In this dreamlike Samsara, we wish to utilize our unique abilities to bring wellness to the world. We’ve chosen to support female Buddhist practitioners because we believe their gentle but strong energy is essential for our modern world. Their energy can heal all beings.

We are starting a small community for Buddhist nuns from all different traditions. We would like to share their stories and experiences to better support and learn from one another. Our vision is to one day build a living community utilizing permaculture and sustainable living practices for nuns.

Our goal is to set up a workable model for female practitioners who wish to dedicate their lives to practicing Dharma. We hope this model can be replicated anywhere and in any form allowing Dharma to flourish. This path will not be easy, so we will be taking baby steps along the way. We are open to your ideas and we are eager to hear your advice! What can be more joyful than serving Dharma in this dreamlike Samsara?!

May we be humble and truthful and see where Karma brings us.”