Day of Practice: Shamatha-Vipashyana & the Eightfold Path (February 15)

A Hybrid Event with George

February 15th
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Heart of Wisdom Temple in Portland, Oregon
and On Zoom

$35 / 75 / 100

Led by George Draffan

February 15 from 9 AM to 3 PM

Online by Zoom and in-person at the Heart of Wisdom Temple in Portland Oregon

Join us for a day of hands-on teaching and practice of two essential Buddhist meditation practices: calm abiding and clear seeing.

Calm Abiding or Stable Attention
Sanskrit shamatha
Tibetan shinay
Insight or Clear Seeing
Sanskrit vipashyana
Tibetan shinay

Any and every aspect of experience is a suitable object for calm abiding and for insight. In this daylong session, we’ll cultivate stable attention and insight upon the first two of the Noble Eightfold Path: Right View and Right Intention.

The views and intentions we carry have everything to do with the how we experience ourselves and the world. “Right” views and intentions lead to contentment and equanimity, compassion and wisdom. “Wrong” views and intentions lead to confusion and conflicting emotions.

We’ll alternate periods of sitting meditation with gentle mindful movement (qigong) suitable for any level of experience or physical condition. Qigong is a great way to keep the body flexible and mind alert during repeated sessions of meditation!

Please arrive early so we can start promptly at 9:00am. Bring a lunch and enjoy the support of sangha.

George will be in Portland February 14-16, and available for one-on-one meetings. You can arrange a meeting by email