Calendar: Ongoing Events
Monday Meditation & Dialogue
Monday Evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 PM Pacific Time in this virtual Zoom room.
Our Monday night meditation is followed by a discussion, where every question is welcome and each person in the room is a valued voice. It’s an opportunity for beginners and more advanced students to mingle, sharing their experience and creating a rich and enjoyable conversation. Beginners’ instructions are given each time. After the meditation, we have a 10 minute tea break before the discussion begins.
On the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month, we meet by Zoom and also in person at the Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple, 6401 NE 10th Ave, Portland, OR 97211.
On these second and fourth Mondays we also have an informal BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) gathering at the HOW Temple starting at 6:15 PM. You don’t need to bring your dinner, but if you want to join in and hang out, please do so! The intention is to get to know one another better and have more time to connect. No need to RSVP, just come and eat your dinner with us!
Everyone welcome!

Mid-Week Meditation: Sanity Break
These are challenging times. You need this. We all do. Join us for half an hour of calm abiding meditation every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Not a Buddhist? No problem. It’s a small group and a friendly space.
New to meditation? No problem. Brief beginners’ instructions are given every time. Everyone welcome. Stop right in the middle of your day and do 30 minutes of meditation for all beings.
Tuesday and Wednesdays
1:30 to 2:00 PM (Pacific time)
Led by Peter Daishin Renner in this Zoom room.
1:30 to 2:00 PM (Pacific time)
Led by Lama Lekshe or George Draffan in this Zoom room.

Morning Shamatha and Qigong
These are ongoing, drop-in, online-only sessions led by George Draffan.
Most Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00am to 8:00am (Pacific time) in this Zoom room.
Sitting meditation (shamatha, “evenly abiding”) is a simple but challenging practice of being present with whatever arises. We begin by breathing with awareness, and gradually build the capacity to experience sensations, feelings, and thoughts in stable and clear attention.
Movement practices (qigong, “breath-energy practice”) include the Eight Pieces of Brocade, the Eighteen Movements of Shibashi, Standing Like a Tree, and more. Science is just beginning to measure how meditation and mindful movement can radically improve physical and mental health. You can learn more about George and qigong at the Natural Awareness website.
These classes are offered by donation:
Zelle 206-941-4729
Venmo @george-draffan

Monthly Saturday Tonglen
Second Saturday of each month
10-11:00 AM (Pacific time)
This practice session takes place in this Zoom room.
Tonglen (Taking and Sending) is a meditation practice that uses altruistic intention and visualization to counter some of the greatest obstacles to awakening. Taking and Sending is a subset of Tibetan Mind Training (Lojong) practice.
All students are welcome. Come any time between 10 and 11AM and stay as long as you like. Meditations are guided by a teacher. Beginners are welcome.
Tonglen reduces selfishness and self-centered suffering; purifies the negative habit-patterns that limit one’s ability to experience loving-kindness, compassion and wisdom; and cultivates the awakening heart (bodhicitta), a cause of good meditation, equanimity and joy.
Tonglen engages all six of the perfections: giving, ethics, patience, joyous effort, meditation, and wisdom. Though highly efficacious in reducing suffering and increasing strength and pliancy of both heart and mind, tonglen is a simple practice that can be done in formal meditation and also be easily carried in one’s daily activities.