Ritual Feast for Green Tara – Level I

A Hybrid Event with Lekshe

January 18
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Lekshe’s Vicarage in Portland, Oregon
and On Zoom

$20 / 40 / 60

Are you curious about tsoks—ritual ‘feast gathering’ practice? Celebrating our spiritual kinship while gathering wisdom and merit (the conditions for fruitful practice), adding tsoks to your practice is a joyful and meaningful path of practice. 

Everyone is welcome to this introductory practice/study group. If you’ve done tsoks, this will be an easy entry to deeper understanding. If you’ve never done a tsok, this will be a chance to do two, while augmenting your experiential understanding with self-guided learning using the resources provided in class. 

The actual tsok practice in this Level I class can be done in person, or online-only. Dekeling often does a brief tsok at our annual retreats, so you’ll get more familiarity there. This on-going opportunity gives you the experience to add frequent simple tsok practice to your year. 
There are no prerequisites for this class. There will be more advanced instruction later in the year, as well, for those who have learned a tsok on retreat, or have taken this class.