Below you will find the materials necessary to engage in the practice and study of Green Tara. To do this practice at Dekeling, you do not need to have an empowerment (though it is recommended in time if you are ready to commit to this practice). Please see Lama Lekshe for the prerequisites to do this practice, so you begin on a firm foundation. These files, with the exception of the image of Tara, were generously shared by Lama Eric Triebelhorn. The Green Tara text is also available in hardcopy. Protection from all Peril is a concise text for a short daily Tara practice given arranged by Khenpo Lodrö Donyö Rinpoche.
Recitation of the 21 Praises to Tara in Tibetan, but with English translation and a picture of each Tara. They start slowly and speed up. (C) Tara’s Triple Excellence, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche.
Dekeling hopes to create a Green Tara text after the pandemic.