Buddhist Practitioners Program

A Year-Long Course with George

January 9 – December 12
6:30 – 8:30 PM

On Zoom

$350 / 500 / 750

The Dekeling Buddhist Practitioners Program is a year-long intensive series of classes and meditation sessions led by George Draffan. The program is suitable for beginners and for experienced practitioners who want to develop a sustained path of study, reflection, and meditation.

By the end of the course participants should have: (1) a conceptual overview of the stages of the path and how the pieces of the path fit together. (2) an experiential understanding of the stages of practice and how to integrate them into life. (3) a consistent daily practice that integrates refuge and bodhicitta, shamatha, vipashyana, the four immeasurables, and more.

  • We’ll meet online every other Thursday evening for teaching and practice.
  • Between classes we’ll carry the practice with readings and homework exercises.
  • There will be a monthly cohort group once a month for participants to share their individual experience and contribute to the collective wisdom of the sangha.

Topics will include: taking refuge in the Three Jewels, generating awakening mind and heart (bodhicitta), the four thoughts that turn the mind to the Dharma, the four noble truths and the eightfold path, reactive emotions (kleshas) and karma, calm abiding meditation (shamatha or shinay), clear seeing meditation (vipashyana or lhatong), the four immeasurables, mind training, the role of prayer and devotion in the Mahayana and Vajrayana, and the variety of skillful means that carry daily life onto the path.

Who is this program for?

  • Those new to Buddhist practice will get an authentic, user-friendly overview of the path: what’s important, how to practice, how to meet challenges.
  • Those who meditate but haven’t been supporting their practice with study or contemplation, will learn about sutras and instruction manuals that can inspire and guide their practice.
  • Experienced meditators will get a fresh perspective of the complete path and way of living.
  • Those who have been exposed to a particular kind of Buddhist practice (for example, mindfulness, or insight, or lovingkindness) will learn how their practice fits into the overall path, and learn about complementary practices.
  • Those who have read Buddhist books but don’t have a daily practice will be introduced to classic texts and traditional meditation instructions.
  • Those who have been practicing alone and now want to deepen their understanding and receive the support of a friendly group of committed practitioners.

Teacher biography 
George Draffan began his formal study of Tibetan Buddhist tradition under Geshe Lhundub Sopa at the University of Wisconsin in the 1970s. Since then he’s received teachings from Chagdud Tulku, U Pandita, Joshin Althouse, Yvonne Rand, Ajahn Amaro, Rodney Smith, and other teachers in the Tibetan, Theravada, and Zen Buddhist traditions. He participated in many retreats with Lama Michael Conklin and Ken McLeod and completed the Unfettered Mind teacher development program in 2009. He has been a volunteer with the Northwest Dharma Association for more than 25 years, organizing events and serving on the board and as executive director. You can learn more at NaturalAwareness.net

If you have questions about the course and whether it is suitable for you, email george@dekeling.community to arrange a conversation.

The Buddhist Practitioners Program is a course of 25 classes. We’ll meet every other Thursday evening from 6:30-8:30 PM (Pacific time): February 6 and 20, March 6 and 20, April 3 and 17, May 1, 15, and 29, June 12 and 26, July 10 and 24, August 7 and 21, September 4 and 18, October 2 and 16 and 3, November 13 and 26**, December 11.