Chenrezi Resources




Below you will find Thangtong Gyalpo’s root text, and a version several common additions, including an abbreviated lineage prayer and more. The Chenrezi Commentary was translated by Lama Eric Triebelhorn, drawn from excerpts from Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche’s book, Chenrezi—Lord of Love. It was generously shared by Lama Eric.


chenrezik_short (1) This is the three page text to print

Chenrezi music. This is sung in Tibetan, and some of the Tibetan sounds, like the pronunciation of ‘par’, for example, which sounds like ‘prar’ are slightly difficult. It’s fine to just sing as we would in English, ‘par.’ You can get the subtleties later. 




Chenrezig Thangka Image for Use in Visualization in this Practice.  (Optional download)Download






Event List

September 2024

Set Your Intentions for the New Year: A Book Club with Lama Lekshe 

  • Practice & Study Group

September 27, 2024 - December 20, 2024
DATE: September 27, 2024
TIME: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Dekeling Annual Meeting

September 28, 2024 - September 28, 2024
DATE: September 28, 2024
TIME: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

October 2024

The Student-Teacher Relationship in Tibetan Buddhism (1 of 3)

  • Class

October 1, 2024 - October 15, 2024
DATE: October 1, 2024
TIME: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

The Student-Teacher Relationship in Tibetan Buddhism (2 of 3)

  • Class

October 1, 2024 - October 15, 2024
DATE: October 8, 2024
TIME: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

The Student-Teacher Relationship in Tibetan Buddhism (3 of 3)

  • Class

October 1, 2024 - October 15, 2024
DATE: October 15, 2024
TIME: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm